Thursday, May 29, 2008

Birds & Turkey Gobbler 29 May 2008 AM

Birds & Turkey Gobbler 29 May 2008 AM

A rather quiet field recording, so turn up the volume . . .

A little ways into the track there's the "gobble" sound of a turkey. Probably this fellow.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tag Sprung, False Alarm

Tag Sprung

Elastic sproingyness sampled to a VSS-30, bells bowed & struck, distorted voice, more mic feedback, dead battery glitchyness and so on.

False Alarm

Fun with different sounds on a venerable Korg Poly-800 MkII.

21 May 2008 Improv

21 May 2008 Improv

Spacy improv fun with live mic feedback and a Yamaha VSS-30 sampler. Recorded open air with the trusty Zoom H4 Handy Recorder.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Long Gone Away redux

Long Gone Away

A largely identical, slightly different mix.

This song was playing in head most mornings late last month. (Now playing: a song I haven't written yet.)