Wednesday, October 24, 2007

long beginning: wayohh

Now and then, I'd want some way to incorporate sound into blogging. I'd try an option or so but it seemed kind of a bother.

Plus, as I:

A) was totally unconvinced of the need to share my own music with folks at large

B) only occasionally had a field recording that may be of interest

C) was already crossing the palms of most friends or other interested parties with CD-Rs

I had to wonder if audio blogging was any big deal.

But here, in the spirit of compartmentalization to the nth degree, is an experiment. My third and hopefully final blog: audiokayness.

For, while looking at the sound blog of visual & audio artist Juan Matos Capote, I noticed he was using Twango to host audio files of his DIY electronic contraptions, recent sound collaboration, etc.

So thanks to Juan's initiative & Twango, here's my first submission--a long spacy chant like improv thing I did in '04 called Wayohh. Click on the play icon below (or click here) and away we go.


As the music is here to hear, I'll almost leave it at that:

It's neither typical of what I do, or what I've done. Nor is it all that atypical.

What I may one day explain is the stylistic breadth of what I perpetrate. Generally tho', my stuff is somehow closer to pop music than this.

Have fun. Here and/or somewhere else.

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