Thursday, December 31, 2009


Always, hosted on Box.

A songlike waltz featuring electric guitar, glockenspiel, bass, melodica, toy echo feedback, vocals. Initially recorded back in '07, mixed recently.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cymbal Tap

Cymbal Tap, hosted on Box.

Features a few cymbals, each used in a feedback loop with a contact mic and a small battery powered amp. Plus feedback from a Realistic Electronic Reverb and ebowed violin drone.

Recorded months ago, finally mixed down in a year-end press to make things count, as it were.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Last I Drove To Value City

Last I Drove To Value City, hosted on Box.

Some cheating here, with whatever software tremelos could be had and a pitched-down doppleganger track or two to bring the warm (if not the low).

Otherwise just garden variety mic feedback/amplification with the cheep karaoke machine, its aliasing echo, some ebowed gitbox lost in hazy recollection. Plus the on-the-fly pitch shift quiver of the Ohio Art DynaMike voice changer.

Regarding the title, more haze within tethered to an actual place name.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Over To Pons

Over To Pons, hosted on Box.

Features Yamaha VSS-30 via a trem/'verbing Twin Reverb and the pervasive karaoke machine. Ebowed to varying degrees of squeeeness is the zitherish Music Maker, an old acoustic and a clunky homebrew zither of sorts cobbled together years ago. The clunky zither of sorts is also plucked, picked.

Foregoing the ritual mention of influences in this garage manifestation.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

June Bug In August

June Bug In August is another instrumental hosted on

Features more of electric guitar, but much of that is processed thru the venerable Korg X-911 Guitar Synth. Or the guitar is controlling the Korg.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wandered Past

Wandered Past by krseward

The words that come to mind are: "Who can say?"

Beyond that open question, there's the not-so-sympathetic (indeed, plucked) strings of an electric sitar, the thrum pulse of low feedback (our old friend, the cheesy karaoke machine), the squee and swoo of high feedback (ditto the karaoke), and something that's likely my voice as quoted by the ever glamorous Yamaha VSS-30 sampler. Some bits are fooled with via a MadShifta pitch shifter VST of yore but are mostly just as God made them.

With that density of musitech geekery who can hold back?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Comet to Raynor

Place names and puns often mislead. But this is short long time of suspended animation. Something like a swampglacier, as if that were a word or a sensible notion to have.

Comet to Raynor by krseward

Yet again with the almost zither, this time ebowed. And sometimes amplified/echofied thru the mighty aliasing karaoke machine. Sometimes not.