Friday, June 17, 2022

tracks contriibuted to compilations and such Vol 3

Again slowly sharing links and some context re the many contributed tracks.

Big Call on Camembert Electrique compilatinn, Sitar On Sitar.

Big Ed on Cut-Up: A Music Compilation in Honor of William S. Burroughs by The Church of The Noisy Goat.

Big Melt is um someplace as a remix of {AN} Eel. Uh.

Not one track but several were in an Electronic Cottage release, EC Split 5 [aka blems with Boss? -- Cantos ana Various Vices/Fork Spleed Bender, featuring tracks or the aforementioned [AN} Eel plus some KR Seward tracks.

Buckroe’s End contributed for, but [hey, whatevzs] didn't make the {AN} Eel curated compilation, FALSE NOISE.

Callback on Shorty Music compilation LTNS.

A tribute track for and called Catherine Carter Detail of Brown Loops on Yellow as part of the compilation, Tribute to Underground Visual Artists, by the Internet Daemon Netlabel. More about work of Catherine Carter.

Chain Link Jumper on Xmasia compilation by Camembert Electrique.

Cold Pail out on Midnight Radio compilation 112.

Chek Won done for Record Every Month challenge, March 2021. [Sorry, no link as yet found.]

Cue Ann Eye done for Good Morning/Good Mourning compilation put together by {AN} Eel.

Cue Ball on DTD20 - Sunburnt Soundscapes 2K compilation by DT Digital.

At risk of being redundant, will mention Cue Garden on Midnight Radio compliation 106.

Cue Go, [fwiw, no link found -- oops] submitted for big compilation done by Broken Tape Records.

Cue Ray on Pear Shaped (part 1) compilation from Shorty Music.

Dark Choc In Lieu of Ket [sorry, no links found] was done for a Drug Music compilation.

Dedenature in the Faff (part 2) compilation from Shorty Music [and Friends].

Difabar on Not My Cup of Tea (part 1) compilation from Shorty Music [and Friends].

Ditchplus on the This Ain't No CBGB noise compilation by Headcleaner.

Dotcraft on the Planar Harrow compilation by Argali Records Netlabel or alternate link.

Drip Amber on 3 Way Split from Bromtol Largesse.

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